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Tampilan Console Rahasia Ets2 |
Hi. berikut adalah macam-macam command yang bisa digunakan pada ets2. fungsinya macam-macam.namun sebelum menggunakan command/perintah dibawah kamu harus mengaktifkan developer mode pada euro truck simulator 2 ini terlebih dahulu.
Selamat Mencoba,
Kode Command | Keterangan / Hasil |
edit | Masuk ke mode map editor |
exec | Eksekusi Perintah pada file (batch scripts?) |
exit | Keluar dari console / game |
game | Muat ulang/ Restart game |
goto (x;y;z) | (gunakan nama kota) goto Milano (tidak menggunakan huruf rusia) Bekerja dengan trailer juga. Y dan mendarat dekat customer. |
Pause | Jeda / Pause game |
save | Save / menyimpan Game |
ui | |
sys_info | |
warp | Mengatur kecepatan dan putaran waktu game. Contoh: warp 0.8 akan memperlambat putaran game setengah dari nilai asli |
Kode perintah ON/OFF, Aktif non Aktif
Tambahan hanya 2 nilai:- 0 menonaktifkan perintah
- 1 mengaktifkan perintah
Variabel lain tidak diperbolehkan dalam pernyataan ini..
Kode Command | Keterangan / Hasil |
r_fullscreen | ukuran layar penuh (efek bekerja setelah muat ulang game) |
g_console | mengaktifkan/nonaktifkan gaming console |
g_minicon | Memunculkan informasi FPS dan teknis game di pojok atas |
g_news | Fitur baru, berita terbaru ETS2 |
Cit No Police, Anti Polisi, kebal polisi
Kode Command | Keterangan / Hasil |
g_police 0 | Off Police |
g_police 1 | On Police |
No Traffic Lalulintas kosong/sepi
Kode Command | Keterangan / Hasil |
g_traffic 0 | Off Traffic |
g_traffic 1 | On Traffic |
Kode perintah dengan nilai
Perintah ini diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan benchmark, variabel (ini mungkin tidak selalu berupa angka). Angka dalam beberapa kasus mungkin mengandung titik desimal (dalam WRITE diganti dengan titik).Kode Command | Keterangan / Hasil |
goto | relocation to coordinate |
g_set_time | time change |
g_flyspeed | Free movement speed of the camera |
warp | speed the passage of time |
r_mirror_view_distance | Mirror rendering distance |
r_texture_detail | quality rendering of detail 0 value for the best quality, lower quality textures numbers decrease |
Kode Tanpa-Nilai
Perintah tidak akan menambah nilai apa pun.Kode Command | Keterangan / Hasil |
exit | the game is finished you can select the profiles |
pause | Pause Game |
quit | quit game |
save | save game |
screenshot | scans the image of the game and stores documents |
Kode Informasi
Kode Command | Keterangan / Hasil |
sys_info | operating system information bit version / operating system (version) / Service Pack |
vid_mem | memory graphics card (the figure in MB). |
vid_name | the exact name of the graphics card |
vid_ver | graphics driver version |
Semua kode Commands
Kode Command | Keterangan / Hasil |
c_asteersens | |
c_brake_dz | |
c_ffgain | |
c_ffspring | |
c_hsauto | |
c_jiclutch | |
c_jilooklr | |
c_jilookud | |
c_jisteer | |
c_jrspeed | |
c_lr_dz | |
c_minvert | |
c_relatsteer | |
g_additional_water_fov | |
g_adviser | |
g_auto_traffic | |
g_auto_traffic_headlights | |
g_bad_weather_factor | |
g_brake_intensity | |
g_cargo_sort | |
g_clock_24 | |
g_colbox | |
g_console | |
g_currency | |
g_dektop_tutorial | |
g_flyspeed | set the speed of flycam |
g_fps | Displays framerate |
g_gfx_advanced | |
g_gfx_quality | |
g_grass_density | |
g_hshifter_layout | |
g_hw_info | |
g_ignore_low_fps | |
g_light_distance_factor | |
g_motor_brake_auto | |
g_path | |
g_police | set "0" no police, no penalty |
g_rain_reflect_actor | |
g_rain_reflect_hookups | |
g_retarder_auto | |
g_set_time xx | if xx=03 then 23+3=tomorrow 02 |
g_set_weather | |
g_sns | |
g_traffic | set AI traffic "0" no traffic on road |
g_trans | |
g_truck_light_quality | |
g_truck_light_specular | |
g_tutorial | |
g_veg_detail | |
g_vehicle_flare_lights | |
g_wc_fps | |
g_wc_radius | |
r_anisotropy_factor | |
r_color_correction | |
r_color_cyan_red | |
r_color_magenta_green | |
r_color_saturation | |
r_deferred | |
r_deferred_Mirrors | |
r_dof_filter_size | |
r_dof_start | |
r_force_color_shadowmaps | |
r_full_resolution_corrections | |
r_fullscreen | enables/disables fullscreen |
r_gamma | |
r_hdr | |
r_mirror_scale_x | |
r_mirror_view_distance | |
r_mlaa | |
r_scale_x | |
r_vsync | enables/disables VSync |
s_music_volume | alters music volume |
s_sfx_enabled | enables/disables sound effects |
s_sfx_enabled | enables/disables sound effects |
s_interior_volume [1.0-6.0] | interior engine sound volume |
s_sfx_volume | alters sound effect volume |
Free Camera & Teleportasi
Cara mengaktifkan :
Buka folder Documents / My Documents / ETS2 dan kemudian klik "config.cfg", ini membukanya sekarang dengan editor teks. Sekarang Anda mencari entri "uset g_developer" dan "uset g_console" dan ubah "0" menjadi "1".
Kecepatan Kamera
“uset_g_flyspeed” 100.0 ” it is best to “100.0 ”
Editor simpan, selesai!
Di gim Anda kemudian tekan "0" untuk kamera gratis dan tombol panah 8,4,5,6 di papan angka pada keyboard dan gerakan mouse. Teleportasi untuk truk Anda - tekan F9
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